Ways to Cope Anxiety During Pandemic

Enlightened Energies - Cope Pandemic

In these unprecedented times, you are experiencing some level of anxiety in your life. Factors for this could be anything from the physical distance from their loved ones, being isolated in one space, or facing drastic changes in your work/education. This can definitely impact your physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to find ways to cope with this anxiety. Here are several suggestions to consider to help you cope during these uncertain times.

  1. Have frequent check ins: During the check in with yourself, ponder about your thoughts and feelings. Listen to them attentively, and ask yourself how you can help yourself. This communication with yourself allows you to process any fears and concerns you have and be able to find solutions for them.
  2. Connect virtually with others: Just because you are physically distanced, this does not mean you cannot be socially connected! Thanks to the era of modern technologies, you can be connected with anyone virtually. Set up a video date to reconnect with your friends or have an online party. 
  3. Watch videos or read books that are positive and uplifting: When you watch videos or read books that bring you laughter and joy, you will become overall in a better mood and forget what you previously were worried about. This is because the neurotransmitters in the brain are altered. Therefore create an environment with positivity!
  4. Take deep breaths: Deep breathing increases oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. Thus you will feel a sense of calmness. Enlightened Energies has several breathing exercises that you can try: https://enlightenedenergies.co/pages/breathing
  5. Move the body: Even if you may not be able to use the local swimming pool during the pandemic, this shouldn’t stop you from finding creative ways to move your body. This movement will help circulate the blood and bring oxygen to your health. You can try a dance routine on YouTube or run in the backyard!